Watch the news lately? Hard to avoid watching the train wreck on Wall Street, isn’t it? As you listen to people across America, from newscasters to people on the bus, one word seems to be on the tip of everyone’s tongue: FEAR. There is a lot of talk about things “seizing up” and things “freezing” in an economic crisis. The government is giving dire warnings. Doesn’t sound like a very vibrant economy, does it? Do you believe everything that you hear? Maybe the crisis is worse than the news says. Maybe it isn’t nearly as bad as they say. Maybe they have it right. Whether the news is right or not, the real question is, “What are you going to do about it?” The emphasis is on YOU. Depending on what is between your ears, this is either a horrible time to be out selling, or a great time to be selling. Whether it is horrible or great is truly up to you, not the news.
In each crisis, there is opportunity. Despite the message on the news shows, the world isn’t going to stop spinning. The sun is going to come up in the east, and another day will unfold. That day is a blank slate. That day is the opportunity in the crisis. Each morning, you’ve got a choice. Are you going to be controlled by circumstance that you don’t like, or are you going to make your own circumstance? It can be easy to be paralyzed by fear. After all, FEAR is False Emotion Appearing Real.
Think about that for a second. Think about all the times you’ve been afraid of something and what you were afraid of never happened. Or, if it did happen, it wasn’t nearly as bad as you imagined it would be. Fear is only in your head. It isn’t in the ground, it isn’t in the water, it is in your head. So, you control fear unless you choose to let it control you. No matter how bad the economy may or may not be, people and companies still have problems that need to be solved. And, they will still need help solving them. Sales aren’t going to stop. The true sales professional with great skills will prosper and those without the skills, will struggle.
What are some things that you can do to keep your performance up and prosper in the short and long term?
* Put our metrics under a microscope. Increase your call volume, don’t let it drop. Be more aware of all your activities on a daily basis.
* Time management is key. Are you spending your time worrying about what you can’t control or are you working to develop business?
* Get motive! Prospects have a reason for talking with you. Find out what it is. Knowing motive is a key element in any sale, even in a good economy. When people are afraid, motive is even more important.
* When you are following up with people, add value by giving them something they can use. If you do, they’ll come to you when they are ready to buy. If you just pester with needless follow up, you chase them to your competitors.
* Work on your selling skills, especially asking the right questions. Dig deeper. Ask more follow up questions. “Why do you think that is?” is a great follow up question. There are seven ways to ask that question. Use them all.
* Work on your listening skills. Don’t let vague words pass you by. Soon is a vague word. Ask the question, “What is soon in your world?” Hear a vague word, ask a question!
* Watch your language. Are you using positive or negative words? If negative words, or phrases that voice complaints are creeping in to your vocabulary, get rid of them. They will impact you in a negative way. We are what we feed our brain.
* Keep your attitude positive. Attitude is contagious to other parts of your life.
* Exercise. By exercise I don’t mean jumping to conclusions. Get out and walk, run, jog, stretch, swim, bike, or anything else that gets your body moving. Exercise releases endorphins that feel good.
* Focus on the solution, not on the problem. If you aren’t getting the results you need, focus on what must be done differently in order to succeed. If you focus on the problem, you’ll only get more of that. Focus on the solution and you’ll find the answer.
How the current economic situation plays out for you is up to you. The government is not going to solve your problem. Remember, in every crisis, some people fall by the wayside and some people prosper.
Which one will you be?
Selling In The Economy Crisis
Andri, Sabtu, 27 Desember 2008
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